My entry for the 9th Ludum Dare 48 hour coding compo held in April 2007, themed "Build the Level You Play".
Here we go again - another Ludum Dare, another retro platformer with shoestring gameplay. Spent most of my compo time wasting compo time, some for drawing and a little bit for coding. As per my usual luck, no definitive ranking was ever established - although the last vote count had me at #1 (barely breaking a tie with #2).
Relatively happy with the result as it's kind of pretty-looking and not too cheesy. I could have spent more than 10 minutes designing the gameplay though, being free to create your own platforms anywhere sort of removes most of the challenge here.
Tech used: C/C++ TinyPTC playmu/portaudio
Source included, and it's not a complete mess for once.
spatzap.zip (375 kB)
Bugfixed version - more readme, removed an audio bug and added the required zlib.dll
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